
By Grammy

We Needed Rain and Boy Did We Get It

We could hear the wind and rain during the night. I read from 3:00 am until I fell back asleep around 5:00. As our local forecaster noted, this storm is like a nor’easter, not much more. Up until the present time, anyway. Wish you could see the photos in live mode. Rain came down sideways in sheets at times. Wind gusts up to 50 mph were expected but I have no way to know how high ours were. My sister had water way up on her property. Not sure how far it went though. High tide is later tonight. The storm is supposed to continue until tomorrow evening. This is our county fair weekend. A lot of those activities plus the annual Alzheimer’s walk (that we participate in) were cancelled. The goldfinch sure looked soaked. The male flew just as I cracked open the window. I cut the spent blacked eyed Susan’s and made bouquets in different parts of the front garden. They love those seeds. We were cozy and dry as we continued preparing for guests. The second bedroom should have been “a piece of cake”. And it was until we moved the bed. Apparently, someone spilled a can of brown soda and neglected to clean up their mess. We tried spot cleaning and got out a lot but hubby pulled out the heavy duty carpet cleaner to thoroughly clean the mess up. Once the carpet dries, we can move everything back in place. Not sure when it happened because there is rarely any soda here. I was too tired to go to Mass today. Lack of sleep and strenuous cleaning aren’t a good mix. Besides, a tree has fallen on a car twice in the last month with at least one fatality. We will wait until the winds die down. I put a pork roast with German spices in the crock pot early this morning. Dinner will be easy. We were so busy that we skipped lunch. I am ready for dinner now though. Wishing you a pleasant weekend. Thanks for your visit. Stay safe. “God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.” —Anonymous

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