
By flavia13


Up early to get my car into the garage for its MOT.  A few things need doing so it's not going to be that cheap but to be expected. It'll be kept going for just a bit longer anyway.  To be honest the machinery is great-ish but the bodywork is really showing it's age - dented and rusty in places but I love it. It's a Nissan Note (I call him Nick) and it's a great little car to drive.

Then on dropping that off I had a great Tai Chi session, much needed of course.  

Had a great catch up on the phone with my great friend Ann from Yeovil, Somerset.  

Have been planning to go to Leighton Moss tomorrow (weather permitting) but now they've advertised the Bearded Tits are there on the News and showed a large group of people with ginormous lenses watching, should I go!!!  Probably will if it's tipping it down as I haven't been for a while.

This wee fella was sat our balcony wall trying to get the sun to warm his wings, but it was so blowy it was hard to get a shot when the antenna and wings didn't move.  The wind blew the wings up just as I clicked the shutter for this shot - so it's not the best shot but you can still see what it is, so it will have to do for today's Blip.  

Do take care and stay safe and I see see you all tomorrow.

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