An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Autumn Garden...

I woke with a start at 3.45am and realised D was still asleep beside me.  Hastily woke him up as I thought he was supposed to be leaving at 4am.  Turns out he was getting up at 4am and leaving at 4.30am.  Oops!  Sorry for ruining your last 15 minutes of slumber D :-))

So that meant I was awake to wave him off to Spain.  From my bed of course.  I didn't get up!  

Off to sleep again till my alarm went off at 7am.  Hastily changed it to 8am.  I have to remember that in D's absence, I'm the responsible adult this week God help us! so no lie ins.  Have to be ready for anything. 

Downstairs just before 9am so had a brief chat with Ashleigh just before she left, then a brief chat with Penny as she arrived.  Alan was still sound asleep of course.

Had a few things on my to-do list today and after breakfast, still bitten by the clear out bug, I attacked the fridge.  By the time I'd finished I had gained almost two shelves worth of space.  Very satisfying.

Made a final decision on my menu for the golf widows on Thursday and amended my Tesco order to suit.  

Did another small sketch book painting, then blethered with Alan before he and Penny headed out.  The house is so quiet without Lola!  

Spent some time on my lap top and finally got my Harris and Lewis holiday photos sorted an on to FB.  They've taken forever to get organised and I still need to go through them and decide which ones to include in a photo book.  A job for another day.  The house felt stuffy late afternoon so went for a wander in the back garden.  So lovely to have colour at this time of the year.  A first for us in this garden.  Took photos as a comparison for next autumn.  Hope they are all still thriving then.  

Had a pizza for dinner and somehow managed to leave it in the oven just a little too long so it was extra crispy!  Then I was really looking forward to getting settled in my chair, feet up, when Penny came to tell me that Alan's tv wasn't working.  He'd finished watching a film on Netflix but when Penny tried to change it back to ordinary tv channels, the tv wasn't responding to the remote.  I tried the tv in the kitchen, the garden room and the living room.  They were also dead as do-dos and when I tried to connect my phone to the system I got a message saying "Unable to connect.  Your system is not reachable at this time"  Damn! 

Every time D goes on his golf trip to Spain, something breaks down.  In the past it's been Alan's wheelchair, his bed, his car...this time it's the TV!

Left a message for David with his pal Keith (who'd messaged me earlier to say D's phone was out of charge so to contact him if I needed to speak to him) D duly phoned me back and with him giving Penny and me instructions on what to do with the control tower of the home control system, we had many attempts at fixing the problem, but to no avail.  Alan had to watch You tube on his iPad (yip, first world problems!) I'm not a huge tv fan but Bakeoff starts tomorrow night!  Grrrrr!

D will contact the Home Control engineer tomorrow morning so hopefully he can come out and check the system out by Wednesday at the latest. 

So after all that stress, I was almost 10pm before I finally sat down.

Have now spent the last hour planning next week as realised that the golf widows leave on Friday, Alan's pal Andrew comes Sunday to Tuesday then on Wednesday our friend Sharon from Skye and her work colleague Morag are coming to stay Wednesday to Friday as they're attending a work course in Perth.  

For some reason I thought there was a week between the Golf Widows and Andrew, Sharon and Morag but turns out there's not!  Doh!  :-))

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