
By Grammy

Suicide Awareness

We went to a healing Mass last night and then to iHop where we got a nice senior discount off our yummy meal. When we arrived back home, we found Millie had left us a real mess in three rooms. She has such separation anxiety. During the night, I woke up and noticed her heart rate was weak. She has to touch me all the time, usually lays “in my lap” in bed; it was easy to reach her. I laid there and pet her for a few hours. I was not surprised that I slept in. She seems okay today but is just so weak now. After breakfast, we went to the base to get meds. It has drizzled all day and the air has a fall chill. I noticed these signs but did not recognize the color combo. Looked it up and found purple and teal ribbons are for suicide awareness. My heart goes out to those victims and their surviving families. We picked up rolls for tonight’s BBQ pork dinner and bought two cakes and ice cream for our mother’s birthday celebration on Thursday. Parker wants to come to WV with us in November. He has a lacrosse mini tournament near Philadelphia, PA the weekend before Thanksgiving. We will leave from there and head to the farm. His parents will join us for Thanksgiving and take him home. It will be wonderful having a table filled with people around it for the holiday. That new plan sounds easy but it means some immediate work for my sister and me. We must get our November meal plan ready so she can take most non-perishables up in a few weeks. Our car will be too small to carry much with Parker and his suitcase. In the meantime, I am putting together a spreadsheet for October’s menu and grocery list today. Hubby is busy in his study. Our day was pretty quiet. Thanks for dropping by. Sending wishes for some peace and calm. Stay safe. “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” – John Holmes

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