Pictorial blethers

By blethers

There came both wind and rain ...

I'm not quoting today, merely being influenced by The Rime of the Ancient Mariner again. Actually, as I pounded along to my painting class through the rain, as the high tide battered against the prom on my right hand and great lumps of sea rose to look at me before subsiding again, I was thinking of a silly song we used to sing to the tune of Rule Britannia when I was in primary school, in which the equinoctial gales rhymed with the sharks and whales ... So picture if you will this waterproof-clad figure, overtrousers and all, marching along to the last tune in the world I'd want to sing, and sigh at the craziness of mental tics...

Actually, today was only a rehearsal. Tomorrow is forecast to be much worse. And in the afternoon, as in the earlier part of the morning, there were moments of clear skies and actually warm sunshine, for the weather isn't cold at all. Just a tad wild. I walked to class because I wasn't going to get any other walking today, and spent two hours painting two minute figures, one of whom turned out to be wearing a black cassock, and some flowerpots and shadows in my little watercolour. I think I'm indulging my finicky self in this, but it's fun to see it slowly emerging as a 3D thing under my brush.

I don't know quite what I was doing after I got home - though I know I was later than I should have been because we were blethering after class - but suddenly we were both hungry and realised it was past our usual Tuesday dinner time. I threw together some fajitas (I love them!) and followed them with tiny, bite-sized baklava with a little yogurt. Then I subsided with the last episode of series two of Annika, fell asleep over the news, and roused myself to do my Italian before going out to choir. My partner in the second line was off with her poorly dog at the vet in Glasgow, so I was on my own but enjoyed myself. I shall be singing Make you feel my love in my sleep ...

And that was that, really. As you may have observed my photo is a veritable Blip of Desperation, showing as it does my little kitchen window looking out on the flowerpots that are beginning to look autumnal. You may observe how very basic we are: we have no dishwasher because we have no room for one and because I always find they swallow mugs and leave you rooting around to find something to drink out of. Maybe it's how you use them ... 

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