Dog in the Daisies

The heat and pollen have made the day horrible (for me) and I haven't wandered out side that much because today has been a desk shift. While Caley would beg to differ the dogs don't need as much exercise in this heat and they got a quick horse around first thing over the back garden fence.

I have thrown hours of time at my bike repair over the weekend and I have now come to the conclusion that the new shifter I got may not be suitable for my bike or faulty. (It was knocking about loose unboxed behind the counter) The front derailleur is moving easily in and out, it is at the right height and the stops are set correctly too. In addition, with care, I can spin the pedals with the bike upside down and make the derailear move with direct hand pressure to select all three rings but the lever itself will not shift to position three.
I did revisit this horrid project briefly tonight but sneezing, sore head and ravenous midges did not help.

Anyway, totally lacking in any imagination, this is Caley among the Daisies this morning.

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