
By papertiger

Mr Lodge to the train station.

Once you'd resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all.

-- Jeanette Walls, The Glass Castle

My pal, Richard, is leaving us for the sunny climes of Aberystwyth, then Leeds, then ... who knows? ... the World, probably!

Rich is, no was {sob}, our brilliant Deputy Stage Manager, and we'll be all the poorer for seeing him go, but as for you (as I know he'll be reading this), these are exciting times, and you're going to be just fine.

Lucky world!

Now, Mr Lodge to the train station, Mr Lodge to the train station!

See you when you come back in a fortnight for the rest of the stuff you couldn't fit in the car, right?

#organised #not #packpackpack #whydoiownSOmuchstuff #toomanyhashtags

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