
By hazelh

Purple rain reprise

Richard likes cocktails so this evening I reprised the recipe for Purple rain, last served at my book group 'purple party' on July 31st.

After another night of very little sleep - 3 hours and 54 minutes according to my Garmin - I still managed to complete my morning of exercise. I would have taken a nap this afternoon, but attempting this would have been pointless because the builders are still busy and making a racket in the flat above ours. 

Instead I baked two Christmas cakes, one of which will be for Mr hazelh's 'official' birthday celebrations in November. The other will be 'opened' at Christmas, as usual. Then I cooked a bolognese sauce for supper this evening.

Meanwhile Mr hazelh and Richard have visited the modern art gallery, watched YouTube videos, examined records on genealogy web sites, and reminisced about their Bristol childhoods.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (14,316 steps).

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