
By Pinkhairedlady

View from the railway path

Mr PHL stayed up with Phin until after 1 and then convinced him to come upstairs with him whilst Henry and I slumbered in the spare room. He wasn’t sick again and seemed totally restored by this morning. He ate the remainder of the tin of Chappie in two parts followed by some kibble. When Mr PHL took them to Dalkeith, a possible reason for Phin’s ailments became clear when a sock made an appearance and needed a helping hand to be evacuated. By the time they got back I’d noticed a sock was missing from the load of washing I’d just taken out of the machine. Perhaps now socks will make it into the washing basket before Phin gets to them!

A bit more work on my shawl, a walk down the railway path and a roast chicken dinner before a blip catch up made for a relaxing(!) afternoon and evening.

I’m hosting TinyTuesday this month and have come up with some optional themes if you’re interested.
3rd October - TT436 - What’s in your pocket? (Pocket, purse or wallet)?
10th October - TT437 - Fruit and veg
17th October - TT438 - Natural world (e.g. leaves, feathers, insects, stones)
24th October - TT439 - Money (coins or notes, small denominations)
31st October - TT440 - Halloween

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