
By Pinkhairedlady


Both boys were bright as buttons this morning and enjoyed their pre breakfast walk. Henry is definitely more settled as breakfast was dispatched quickly, leaving only a couple of spots of food. Poor Phin looked very disappointed. He is pretty much back to normal though his tail is still not 100% but it doesn’t seem to be giving him any pain thankfully.

I dropped off a card and a wee bunch of flowers to Irene as it’s her z60th birthday today. Her dog Buck didn’t seem to recognise me in her house, I guess because I usually meet him out on a walk. He did eventually settle down and we had a nice chat.

I took the boys out to the field beside the new houses and bumped into Paz and Ramos so we had a nice catch up.

Thanks to Libeccio for hosting MonoMonday. Unearthed this washing line cord and thought it would work for today’s theme.

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