
By Lsquare

Continuing Revelation, Beginning Pinktober

As we gathered at FBC this morning to join our hearts and voices in worship and praise to our God Who is sovereign , no matter what may be going on in our country and our world, we were grateful for our freedom to worship and for the way God has blessed our church.  We began our service with a congregational song, followed by the welcome by Daniel.  After the welcome, the choir blessed us with the uplifting and joyful anthem, "We've Come To Bless Your Name'.  The service continued with more congregational songs after which we returned to Revelation with Pastor Wes.  In Chapter 3:1-6, John was inspired by God to write to the church at Sardis and give them a sobering message.  He told the church that they looked really good on the outside with all the things they were doing that looked so right to the world around them and even to themselves, but God knew that in spite of the appearance of being a living church, they were dead inside, they were failing and they were 
unprepared.  But God had not yet given up on the church at Sardis.  Though they were dead inside, He was willing to resurrect them and restore them, if they were willing.  He had a plan and a purpose  and Pastor Wes had much more to say about all these things in the Live-stream. I urge you to watch it and see how you might apply some of the truths to our world today......It is also the first day of Pinktober at Blip where we try to include pink in our blips every day to remind people to click on this link  to help fund mammograms for those who cannot afford to pay.  It costs you nothing to click on the link.  You may have to search for the pink in my blip today, but I assure you that it is there......

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