Waiting patiently

16.4C starting bright then some cloud appearing with showers during the afternoon. Breezy.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk during the morning. There was a bright spell and the forecast was for rain in the afternoon.

I thought I might get a picture of the huge spray from the equipment I saw being set up yesterday as the potatoes were being watered in the field next to the bridle path. Apothecary7 got a good shot of the action yesterday evening on our walk. The best shot today was from the raised bank at the side of the cycle path which runs parallel to the shore. I have put the shot in my Blipfolio (in the Misc. folder).

As I was about to come back down the bank to the path Maeve looked up at me from where she was standing by the fence and I just pointed the camera and clicked. I like this shot better than the one of the water spray :-)
(I had put the loop of Maeve's lead over the fence post just in case she wandered off, the road being nearby)

I just noticed that Maeve is the blip for this day last year too.
Complete coincidence. It made me smile though :-)

We did go across the level crossing and walked along the beach. We had a good look round the boats today too, as they were all lying on the sand. The tide was well out. We had a wander right out to the seaward end of the channel in the rocks and enjoyed the breeze in our faces.

When we got back home our neighbour across the road was mowing her front lawn. I had lunch then decided that I would mow our front lawn.
I suppose I am glad that I did as the first rain shower started about 2.30pm.

Note: I use the Misc. folder of my Blipfolio for any extra pictures I might be lucky enough to have and think are good enough to post on any given day. If you have come along later than the day of posting, the pictures in the Misc. folder may not be the ones you expect to see from the text on that day's blip ... hopefully you will still enjoy the picture(s) you see there :-)

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