
By ArcLight


The delivery biker's e-bike of choice. There is now a shop in Stead's Place, in one of the revamped units, which house such hipsterish destinations as Hobz and Cornelius. A worthy addition to my run of leithwalkshops.

The ever perspicacious hazelh commented yesterday that it must get harder and harder each time to come south. It. Does. Indeed. I feel exceedingly conflicted at the moment. At one level, it is easy to head back into a day of meetings, but I also end up wondering what it is all about. Hey ho. Chin up. I need to keep going.

We got up with the farting of the sparrows and drove back south. I can no longer write "home", as both places are truly "home". I easily got to my first meeting, using my own e-bike (not a Zoomo). A fairly short day, as I am pretty zonked and need a good night's sleep to face the rest of a ridiculously busy week.

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