A view from St Swithin

By stswithin50

Maniposa Grove

We left Yosemite today but on the way out of the park visited Maniposa Grove the site of the largest collection of giant sequoias in the park. We learnt that two of the trees are among the 30 largest in the world ( in terms of volume)

The blip is of a tree called Grizzly Giant which is probably 1900–2400 years old: the oldest tree in the grove. It has a volume of 34,010 cubic feet (963 m3), and is counted as the 25th largest tree in the world. It is 210 feet (64 m) tall ( thanks Wikipedia).

It was quite a place. Like everything these days the trees are affected by climate change as they are dependent for growth on plentiful snowfall in the winter.

Next stop Monterey.

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