
By Jamjar

I'm pretty sure I've posted a similar photo before, but it may not have been of Sella which is where Fi and I went today. What is certain though is that the track to the crag parking is now subject to a No Entry sign, meaning that we had to park on the road and walk quite a way. That wasn't the case last time I came 18 months ago.

I don't know what happened this morning, but when I got out of bed my back was hurting... oh no! So I laid on the floor and did as many of the exercises the physio gave me as I could remember. 

Fi and I walked slowly down to the beach in an effort to loosen my back up - it didn't really work but we took photos, see extra. Then to breakfast with some painkillers!

At Sella all I did was toprope the first route that Fi led, very slowly :-) She led another two routes which I just belayed her on, but by that time is was absolutely scorchio and we'd both had enough.

Back at the hotel I did the exercises again, and will do them again before bed.

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