
By Wildwood

Fruits and Vegetables...

...depending on whether you consider tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable. I'm always interested in what fetches up on this windowsill. The tomato crop was abysmal this year and these are the last of them. Disappointing. This is just the tip of the iceberg, however, when it comes to the figs. I'm  planning to take the day off quilt making to make a pepper relish with a varied crop of all kinds. Since John is vague about which are which, and I suspect some are very hot, relish seems the best way to go.

We had some sort of technical problem with the sound on our zoom connection this morning. Nobody else in the class seemed to be having a problem and we missed a good 15 minutes of class until I finally got it on my phone.  It must be a problem with my computer, but I don't know what it is yet.

Today started out sunny but  another front came through and it has been sort of a heavy drizzle for a couple of hours. John took Spike to the vet for his annual shots and to get his nails clipped and now he's saying he hopes he left his phone in the car. Thank goodness I put him on my 'find my phone' app which saves us a rerun of two weeks ago. It's in his car...again.

Dana came by with some lovely little gifts from her trip to Mexico. More on that tomorrow.

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