
By amandoAlentejo


The October Community Challenge, to celebrate nineteen years of Blipfoto, is about connections made through this site.

Thought it was propitious that Jan and Keith were visiting us during these dates, but only got round to taking a photo of our connection this morning before they left. Balanced my camera on the picnic table, and then dashed to the hammock, with a few failed attempts, hence the hilarity.

Our first Blipmeet was in September, 2016, when we invited them to come stay with us in our house in Mora, here in the Alentejo. They then came every year for another, until interrupted by the pandemic; think this is our eighth meet-up altogether; I know once was in our house in Sutton Coldfield.

We often laugh now that, at that first connection in the flesh, their friends were worried we might coopt them into some sort of religious sect, and our kids wondered how we knew they weren't axe murderers or something. The thing is, when you have connected, with a photo daily for years, even if online, you feel pretty sure you'll be meeting a friend, and I must say, I've not met a Blipper yet that wasn't.

- our friendship with Jan and Keith (and with many other Blippers)
- the lovely Cigano family harvesting our olives
- picking a bucketful myself

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