Keith B

By keibr


The October Community Challenge, celebrating Blipfoto’s nineteen years, is about connections made through this site.
It seemed a fortuitous challenge as we (HarlingDarling and keibr, who live in Sweden) are visiting blippers amandoAlentejo and Mikedetrapia in Portugal. HD and aA met through blip and when we were visiting other friends in Portugal aA invited us to stay. We took them up on the invitation and that was the first of many visits.
So the four of us all blipped “connection” pictures on the same day, though I’m a day late posting. Mine is a more conventional group picture with three humans and Aduro the cat. We had a lot of fun planning and taking the pictures.
Once the pictures were taken we set out on our homeward journey. Averaging a bit over 400 kms per day we’ll be home in 10 days but in reality we will stop a day or two with other friends on the way so it’ll probably be two more weeks before we unlock our front door in mid Sweden!

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