
By Hamp5on

Nate Rafa

Asha was invited out for the day with 15 minutes to get ready and go! Friends of friends have a super swanky yacht and invited Asha out with Isabel and her family. They apparently sailed to Formentera and enjoyed loads of water sports. She got home about 9pm looking exhausted and happy. So Nate and I suddenly had the day just the 2 of us. One of the things I love about him is how anything can be special to him if it's one to one time. So at his request we caught the bus to the supermarket (definitely took longer, but was also more fun) then playing in this park next to it. Home and we walked to the cinema to watch the new Paw Patrol movie. The place was packed out! I don't think I'd realised how new the movie was...but we had a great time and enjoyed the film a lot. 
He's enjoyed his 'Mommy and Nate day'.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The opportunities Asha gets.
2) Nate's joy at simple things.
3) Bumping into a lovely family from Asha's old school in the supermarket.

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