Everyday Life

By Julez

Grey Heron

A very easy paced day today. I was even in two minds whether or not to leave the house at all today but Brian persuaded me. It was cool outside in the breeze but lovely by the riverside where we were shaded from it but still in the sun. We saw a couple of dragonflies and other little insects around, and this heron by the river.

Blip-related tasks is pretty much all I've done so far today. I might do emails later, who knows? I want to watch the post match interviews from yesterday. We watched the Play-Off game for promotion from the Championship to Superleague today. London Broncos will be back in the top tier from next year.

The posting of my Blip had to be interrupted due to loud bangs and clatters from upstairs: Minstrel - who else - had knocked some storage baskets and other items off the shelves. He shot out of the room like he was on fire but he was unharmed. We tidied the items up and returned them to the floor where they had been prior to carpet shampooing.

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