Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Leptoglossus Species

Or to the lay person, a Leaf Footed Bugs.  They are about 3/4 inch (19 mm) long and can fly if properly motivated (and warm enough).  They aren't considered a crop pest, nor do they bit or sting, so nothing to fear.  I spotted this one on the side of our house, not moving (it was cold outside at the time).  I gently moved him/her onto a begonia leaf and put the pot in the sun so the bug could warm up and get on with its business.  They aren't a snazzy insect, but they are pretty in their own way with their subtle patterns.

It has been another sunny, beautiful day and I just came back from walking Jax.  He was busy smelling everything so it was more of a meander than a real walk, but still good for both of us.  I plan to take him for another walk later.  Important for both of us to keep moving.

I have been nearly pain-free the last two days - dare I hope the drugs are finally working?  Too soon to declare a win in that regard, but I'll take the win of having a day with only minor achy joints.  

Meanwhile, the next drama in the US Congress is playing out.  I'm hopeful that Jordan will not win the House Spearer chair, although it's anyone's guess right now.  Something needs to get done soon, however, as a leaderless House is unable to do the work of the people.  

I think maybe something simple and dark today.


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