Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

This Dog...

This dog completely owns my heart.  I didn't plan on this happening, but here we are.  I'm 100% biased, but I think he is a stunning creature.  And, yes, he is also a total goofball at times.  He and I have spent a lot of time outside today, me taking pictures and doing some minor garden tidying, and him exploring and chasing scents.  He knows where the chipmunk burrows are, so his first order of business when he gets outside is to quickly run from one to the other in hopes of catching a chippy by surprise (not likely).  

It's beautiful again today with temps in the 60's and a light cloud cover - very enjoyable.  While I was pottering, I happened to glance up and spotted a group of raptors passing overhead.  I couldn't get a good look at all of them, but definitely Black and Turkey vultures and several Red-tailed Hawks.  This is the season for raptor migration and it isn't uncommon to see large mixed groups riding the thermals as they pass through.  Always worth stopping and watching.

There were also two hatch-year Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers in the garden this morning.  I always love seeing this species of woodpecker.  They spooked quickly and headed back to the woods, as usual.  The number of Tufted Titmouse and Chickadees are growing and they've been joined by more White-breasted Nuthatches.  These species form loose "feeding flocks" in the winter months where there is safety in numbers.  

Pain seems to be back so I tried a different NSAID today which seems to be helping.  Will sure be glad when this disease is better controlled.  And in the meantime, I'm having two squares of dark with ginger, for medicinal reasons, of course!


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