Everyday Life

By Julez


Took a dark and unexpected turn. I had to get Brian to fetch me home from Meg after the gas service was done as my train was not running and there was a long wait for the next one.

Whilst travelling through the next village I got a call from the care home assistant manager to say that my Dad had passed away. It would be an understatement to say I was in shock. I knew he would not have years of life left but this was quite unexpected.

We went up to the care home and the staff as ever were amazing. I was able to spend some time with my Dad until they came to do some checks and then after until the people from the funeral company came to collect him. He seemed at peace and I think he'd been ready to go as he was very dissatisfied with his life as it had become. That said, he told me a couple of weeks ago that he had few regrets and had had a good life.

I still don't think it has really hit me fully. Today I had the task of calling family to tell them. Jeri came over and spent the day here until she had to go to pick up the boys which was lovely. It's been hard having to call people to break bad news.

Later I felt like I needed to get out for a walk in nature so we went to Swanholme Lakes. There was quite a selection of fungi to see, and this is my favourite of the photos I took. I have included an extra of the little dove picture that they put on the door of the room of a resident who has died.

Tomorrow we have the appointment at the funeral parlour. I've never done this before and don't really know what to expect. He has a paid for plan, but it is pretty basic so there will be things to add. Brian has a week off this week and I'm very glad of his support.

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