Choose Joy

By Energia


Ok, I’ve hit the wrong button twice now and lost everything twice now. Let’s try to just type this all one more time.

A friend of mine is being induced. I fed her cats. It is time for the child to come out no matter how comfy he is.

Another friend has Covid, again. She thought she had a cold until she randomly decided to test. 

The friend who finally got out of the hospital with Covid, spread by a coworker who came to work coughing and not wearing a mask, is still sick.

The happy and exciting news of the day is another photographer is interested in submitting! A kinda famous one, one who has shot Elliott Page and a bunch of famous brands. Me, a friend in the UK who plans to submit a couple of retro shots, and two kinda famous folks. I am feeling much more optimistic that I won’t be putting on a show of only my work. 

I’m astounded that Ozempic reduces people’s cravings for alcohol and drugs and nicotine. This diabetes drug that helps people lose weight also reduces other cravings. We may have a cure, for at least some people, for substance abuse. Ozempic has been found to sharply cut heart attacks. There is evidence to suggest that GLP-1 drugs can reduce the build-up of amyloid and tau. It is being studied now. 

I think I’ve been saying this for over a year but there was an article in Bloomberg today saying German and UK officials are saying the energy relationship with Russia will not be restored. It isn’t a huge change for the UK but it is for Germany which used to get half of its gas from Russia. 

Germany has proposed steps to speed up integration of Ukrainian refugees into the labor market. They are asking companies to loosen their German language requirements and offer extra training. 

[Kinda famous = there are articles written about them, they’ve been interviewed]

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