Everyday Life

By Julez

Water World

Our part of UK usually misses both the best and the worst of the weather but today we have had very heavy rain all day. I woke up to rain lashing against the window and the sound of the wind. When you're cosy and warm it's quite relaxing and I almost went back to sleep!

Brian and I went over to the bungalow again today and spent time sorting out old paperwork. It's surprising how much there was considering the clear outs that have happened over the past decades. The one thing I was hoping to find - the paperwork for the burial plot - was nowhere to be seen. Surprising when there were receipts for old electrical goods that had long since gone to the tip.

I think it will be OK though as the funeral directors called when we were attempting to travel home and have booked the funeral for 10 November. Quite a long time to wait really.

Driving conditions both there and back were terrible. We were diverted away from Branston both ways and my shot was taken as we went under a railway bridge on the way home. The water was quite deep under there. Our local similar bridge is even worse.

We have brought back several bags of clothes for the charity shop and some more photos and other bits and pieces. I needed a good shower when we came home after sorting through all the dusty old stuff!

We had no lunch and are now ready for tea. "Chicken" curry for me.

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