
By PorridgeWog

Worse than it looks (Day 3084)

It has been bloody windy again all day.
I started off with a wander up the hill with Sigyn. We got caught in one very heavy shower which was quite unpleasant.
A bit later I headed for Stromness and the paused bathroom re-fit to clear out the majority of my gear, then along to look at another job which has been waiting for me for the best part of a month. The customer has been plagued by a bad smell which they assumed was a drainage issue. I think it is more likely to be something to do with the lake under the bathroom floor, and will need further investigation.
I met up with my beautiful wife at the horses to give her a bit of a hand, then headed back home for lunch.
Next on the list was to look at a leaking shower. I am fairly confident that the leak is water getting between the tiles, and it probably needs ripped out and replaced.
Back home and out again with HV to check on the horses and have a coffee with Mum and Dad.
Did I mention it is bloody windy...

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