River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Grey Sky & Blue Sky

Woke up to a dry morning, not very warm - barely into double figures and a gentle breeze instead of the howling gale :-)

Did a few hours of family history after breakfast, I’ve come up with a theory of how to use someone I’m related to (on their Mum and Dad’s sides) to find a link with someone who’s sent me messages regarding a connection with their family, also coincidentally they have a connection with the town I attended secondary school and an English town where I did my teacher training …!

This afternoon I’ve been around the garden a few times between showers and continued reading “Murder in Merrywell” - 
the Edward Marston book was excellent too!

Saw a hedgehog in the undergrowth near the biscuits around 5pm but weather was much brighter than yesterday afternoon, maybe not dark enough for supper yet …

Today’s photos taken after lunch, we had a few more showers and it turned chilly at dusk … also very still …

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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