
By KCNQ2Haiku

Big Air!

Bad sleep but Big Sky!
The fresh air drives forgiveness :-)
And there was coffee!

So, first night in a new place.. not usually a good thing for the KCNQ2Haiku clan.  Last night was no different.  Ben woke himself up with a violent coughing fit at 1am and that woke Leo.  Ben then couldn't get back to sleep because he was worried Leo was awake and Leo couldn't get back to sleep because Ben kept clomping about upstairs.  Sigh.  Eventually Mr KCNQ2Haiku went down to reassure Leo and I stayed to settle Ben.  This was partially successful and Ben did go back off eventually but Leo, whilst grateful for the human companionship, made it clear that Mr KCNQ2Haiku was not his Human of Choice.  So we swapped again and I slept on the sofa to stop him barking (Leo, not Mr KCNQ2Haiku).  Ben woke at 5.05am full of the joys of spring and the day has just progressed from there :-/  We have managed a lovely walk with coffee and cake from our favourite bakery but Ben has been very obsessive and grumpy so it's not been easy.  He has some extra antibiotics for the cough so I cashed in the prescription today to see if it helps (probably not the phrase!)  
After a few days we'll all fall into a routine... almost certainly! 

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