I Witness

By KangaZu

Mono Monday: Week 509 ...


As you can see I've gone with PAIR! 

And as you can also see ... this lovely pair of duckies had fun in the pool today!  I took advantage of Richard pulling back the cover of the pool to work on closing it up for the season.  My pair of duckies appreciated being able to have one last swim.  Thanks to Laurie for hosting Mono Monday this month. 

Which musician do ducks listen to the most? 

.... Drake.

What do you call a duck that breaks into people's houses?

... A robber ducky!

I spent the better part of the day at home.  However, we did manage to get out for a quick walk after supper.  And once I got back up the stairs I stayed there the rest of the night.  I'm embarrassed to say that I had to crawl up the stairs on my butt because of the pain in my hip was so bad. Thursday's PRP injection can't come quick enough.  

In Extras is a (still) lovely American goldfinch in his Winter colors ... meaning not bright yellow! 

Full disclosure ... while I did float these duckies in the pool a little bit of Photoshop AI magic was involved in creating the splash.  Please view full screen.

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