
By Grammy

Know What Day It Is?

I guess today is a special blip day for me. I have “hidden” the year mark in my photo in a few places. Thanks so much for your support these last few years. Blip is truly a wonderful source for building friendships and awakening your senses to our world. Hubby was at my mother’s by 6:00 am to get the camper. My cousin saw the truck pull in my mother’s driveway from across the corn field and came to investigate. It is comforting to know my mother has someone so close looking out for her. The weather was really nice all day. I got up, prepared the area, planted and mulched 25 double tulip bulbs. Can’t wait to see how they look. I need candytuft to grow between them. As I was about to leave for the funeral, hubby called to say he would be home in five minutes. That worked out perfectly because I really did not want to go alone. This lady (see extra) was my children’s aunt. She supported me with kindness and compassion during my painful divorce even though I was not related the spouse to her. It meant so much. That side of the family has really dwindled. I was happy my son attended; they doted on him when he was younger. We visited my mother who lives very close to the church, just a few miles south. She was preparing for her second weekly card party. It’s good that she remains active within the community. Hubby is changing the oil in my van. We need it for the WV trip since it holds more than his SUV. I will make dinner and then we will relax. Millie got us up twice again last night so we are both tired. Thanks for stopping by, leaving hearts, stars and sweet comments. Stay safe. "No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face," - John Donne

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