I Witness

By KangaZu

Abstract Thursday ...

.... mood.

I was in a very sanguine* mood today as I had a PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection ... which involves drawing blood.   Lots and lots of blood!

I'm not kidding you when I say they drew 60ml of blood!  From this they harvested only 3ml of platelet rich plasma.  But my mood is very optimist that the procedure will work.  I've had one done before years ago on my left elbow and (knock wood) I haven't had any issues with the elbow since.  Only at that time they didn't draw so much blood ... only 16ml.  

After the procedure I wasn't 'allowed' to do much besides rest.  And this is going to be my life for the next 2 weeks or so ... doctor's orders!  I won't see immediate results for the injection but I'm hoping that over the next few weeks the pain will subside ... or go away completely.  Only time will tell.

Thanks to ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday each week.  And for giving me an excuse to play around in Photoshop.  Can anyone tell me what this could be a picture of? 

*Sanguine (adjective) ~ saNGɡwən: 1. optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.  2. Blood-red. 

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