
By KCNQ2Haiku

Home again

Familiar turf,
off lead and chasing squirrels!
Happy little pooch.

We travelled home today, sad to leave the fresh air and hills of the Eden Valley but traffic was OK and Ben and Leo did pretty well in the car.  When we got home and unpacked, Ben and I took Leo for a walk on the field nearby.  It's pretty well enclosed and he knows it well, so it's one of the few places I'm happy to let him off lead, having been cooped up in the car he made chasing around look very appealing.  Ben did ask me if I wanted to play tag but I must say, I declined!  
Also looks like we're into Clock Change Territory again :-/ My least favourite times of year, it's just so annoying.. grr.. Anyway, hopefully Ben will sleep, he was up at 3:45am today :-/

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