
By Grammy

It Was A “Grand” Day

We were up, showered, breakfast eaten and heading to the museum in time to be there when it opened at 10:00. Mancil was right behind us. It was heartwarming to see his graphics communications teacher get there when it opened as well. She sang his praises and I saw a tear in her eye when she read his note of thanks. Actually my sister and I had one also. The teacher says he has strategically placed items to remember him by throughout her classroom. Good to see such a bond. Mancil is a member of a photography non-profit and many of the other members were there as a show of support. My hubby, children, mother, sister, BIL and some of the other grands stopped by as well. His parents made special shirts for the event. I got a shot of them with someone else’s camera - see extra. He wrote a short explanation for each photograph. He is already planning next year’s exhibit. From there, my sister, BIL and hubby took my mother to lunch. Brooklyn played soccer at 1:00 pm. We got to her game 10 minutes late. Her team won 3-0. She played well on offense and defense. We took my mother home and are settling down with Millie for a little nap. Hope you had a wonderful Sunday also..stay safe. A lady was struck and killed a few miles from here last night. Our roads are way too dangerous! Thanks for stopping by with your gifts. “I’ve always enjoyed seeing the world through the eyes of my grandchildren.” — Neil Sedaka

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