Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

On The Mend

Today has definitely been better. I'm starting to feel more like myself. I still have a sore throat but I haven't lost my voice. I'm still aching a little but I haven't felt cold at all. If anything, I'm feeling a bit too hot. I'm sitting outside the bedroom I'm sharing with my Little Man. I've just checked on him and he's still awake. He won't fall asleep if I'm in there with him. It shouldn't take him too long before he falls asleep.

Today has been quiet. I chose to stay inside as I didn't have the energy to get myself and Little Man ready to go out for a wonder. Over the last few days, I've felt fine in the morning but by the afternoon, my energy has been gone and I have felt cold, sore and unwell.

It's Halloween today. Halloween has been around for over a thousand years. All Souls Day was on the 1st of November when it was believed that the souls of the dead were allowed to roam the earth and return to their homes. So people would dress up in costumes and light bonfires to ward off the spirits. In the 8th century Of The Common Era CE Pope Gregory III moved All Saints Day from May 13th (which had been created by Pope Boniface IV a century before) to November 1st. This was probably a Christian substitute for the pagan celebration of Samhein (Celtic for "end of summer," when the world of the gods was visible to man). The day before the saintly celebration became known as All Hallow's Eve, or Halloween. Taken from Britannica.

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