Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Tahhhh dahhhhhhh introducing ...

Lily ... 5 years old and now belongs to my brother in law Ben and sister in law (almost...wish they would hurry up) Em ... Lily has NOT had a nice life up till now but from now on she will be a princess .. She was meant to belong to B&E it was fate,right place right time ... Lily had not even gone out in to the pens at the Dogs trust and it all kind of worked out.. She is such a wonderful dog she does not even need a lead ... It's like she just knows Ben is there and she need not go far ... How cute is that :D
Pepe and Buffy liked her too and Sadie was well chuffed as they like to chase tennis balls ... Happy ending HELL YES !

Sports day was a triumph .. Miss Wright and her superb organising skills did us proud,completely new way of doing it this year by lots of things going on at once in an 'arena' and it worked .. It worked like clockwork thank you Rachel for the effort I usually LOATHE sports day as it bores me senseless but this one was top notch.
I was at the end of the sprint races I had to 'spot' 3rd place kids .... In order no one got cheated out of a win there were enough helpers to make sure we saw 1st,2nd and 3rds ... It was a good old fashioned COMPETITIVE sports day and as our school is so vast the ability of he children were grouped so that not very active and maybe the children who find it difficult or reluctant go in different heats,the rapid quick fire ones compete against each other .. It was well thought out.So for instance my Lucy goes in he middle groups .. She's neither Usain bolt or a one legged cat so she gets the middle speed kids to race against ... I loved it and the atmosphere was good ... I never heard any adults bitching which is always a good sign ;)
Tomorrow it's Eve's sports day and then I have the girls(my lot) here for a girlie night in ... And we all know what happened last time don't we ....

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