
By MumOf4Wildlings


Well last night on the guising front was a massive success.  We literally just went out for about a hour and all 5 wildlings  ( my nephew) all got a big shopping bag worth of sweets each.  It will probably last till over Christmas again.  I did take enough sweets in for all my students and staff too, and 100 bags I made up for guisers all went. 

This whole day I have been spoiled with lovely gifts, flowers, wine , chocolates,  a star wars blanket which the jedi has claimed as his own, cards from blipper friends.and a few outdoor vouchers. I love a practical gift. I also received A birthday song from mr and Mrs HCB . And a tasty birthday cake that the wildlings chose. . It's now all gone. Hehe . 

For those asking,  it's not the coffee that wakes me at night,  it's my dodgy frodo toe. And I can't take pills through the night or I'd be groggy in the mornings.  But hey ho there shall be light at the end of the tunnel. 

Work was mega busy today.  We were a few staff down. One ended up on crutches yesterday too . I enjoy the busy-ness.  

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