
By Hamp5on

Planet Claire

This is literally the only photo I took today, taken to send to our friend, Claire.
Danny stayed at Stephen's last night - they know how to live a wild life, board games and chat til the extremely early hours of the morning!!
The kids and I were up and out early to chase down a parcel James and Rich had sent them for Christmas. After lots of walking (but a fair chunk of it along the seafront, so I'm not complaining), we found the place that had the gift! It's been stored high up for safety from small curious 6 year olds!
Isabel texted Asha to see if she wanted to meet up, so that was her gone for the rest of the day. I received various selfies from her from this place and that. 
Later I walked to the supermarket that's better for GF foods, though they seemed low on stock (and have done the past day or 2), I'm wondering if the storm has delayed deliveries. Apparently the Port was shut yesterday so no ferries/deliveries. Good to chat to my Dad as I walked, and good to have had a lovely WhatsApp chat with my Mom in the afternoon. And then very good/challenging to listen to a podcast conversation on my way home. Listening to an interview with Pete Portal who is part of a community in Manenburg SA and lives life alongside the most vulnerable. 
Danny's out at the moment as one of our homeless friends came knocking on the door wanting time with him. He's hopeful he's got a job in Tenerife...hoping and praying it works out for him.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The kids being really good at traipsing all over this morning. We had good conversation was we went along.
2) Danny and Stephen having a good time together.
3) Nate trying 2 foods he doesn't know/like today - not an easy thing for him to do. 

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