
By Hamp5on

My Girl

I woke up on the wrong side of bed and felt decidedly grumpy this morning. Danny took Nate off to watch CD Ibiza play, and Asha and I took our Bibles and journals to the sea and sat on the paseo with coffee and a pastry. The fresh air, Bible, company and carbs did their job and it was just what I need to feel realigned. We walked home the pretty way and stopped at the park by our old flat. Good fun to swing with Asha and take some pics of her.
A chilled rest of the day, DuoLingo, cutting Nate's hair, face mask with Asha... 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha having a good catch up with her friend Annabelle. 
2) Good conversation with Asha. 
3) A delicious toasted sandwich late afternoon. 

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