Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


When Xena woke up this morning and I let her out into the garden, I noticed the beautiful light on our little acer tree in the garden so decided to do a Pep Ventosa of it.

We went for a walk at Polesden Lacey today, it was sunny and bright but quite cold early this morning. The autumn colours are lovely at the moment, but some trees still look a bit too green for this time of year.

After our walk we went into Cobham as I wanted to get Xena's nails cut at the dog groomer. She is the only dog I have ever had that needs to get her nails cut, they seem to grow quite long and do not wear down with walking. The groomer was busy so we will take her back tomorrow. 

Tomorrow morning we are going to the Remembrance Service at the school, it always makes me sad thinking about those who have lost their lives in wars. Terrible to think that there are still wars going on today, you would think people have come to their senses by now with all the experience of hindsight, but it seems not.

Tonight - another episode of All The Light We Cannot See on Netflix - I loved the book when I read it many years ago, and had heard the TV series was rubbish compared to the book. But I am enjoying it very much as I am deliberately not comparing it to the book.

Adam is in Norfolk this weekend, I told him to keep a look out for the aurora! Last week the north Norfolk coast apparently had the best aurora sightings in the country, it was seen three days in a row.

Now to go put on some loud music as someone is letting off noisy fireworks and Xena is not happy. Someone has their dates wrong and thinks 11th November is Guy Fawkes!

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