
By dunkyc

Forest Bathing

Thank you for all the kind words on yesterday’s blip.

It’s so nice to know that people actually read them and those that do, are really really lovely!

The weekend fell very nicely weather wise and meant that after a much needed, elongated lie-in, we eventually got out for a lovely walk near Newby Bridge. We talked, laughed, spotted curiosities and stopped for a spot of of forest bathing. 

I am reliably informed that this is big in Japan (?), but as we lay there on the uneven forest ground, staring up into the blue sky through the foliage, I have to say that I got it. It’s a rather wonderful feeling to be at once both elevated and grounded! 

We walked on and stopped by a small reservoir for congealed hot chocolate and cakes, but didn’t linger too long, for as the the sun started to fade, so did the temperature.

As we made our way back to the car, there was time enough for a brief pause and an introduction to whittling, which The Youngest in particular really seemed to take to. I’ve always considered her the most dangerous of my children, so I’m not sure how I feel about her being armed…..?

With the wee ones now effectively carrying spears, we got off the hill just as we lost the last of the light (and before things all went a bit “Lord of the Flies”) headed home for pizzas and cuddles.

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