This is the day

By wrencottage

One of those Things ...

One of my favourite apps on my Mac (and iPad) is Things, which is a To Do list app. It enables me to prioritise tasks for each day, and tick the checkbox on each one as I complete it. Then, at the end of the day when I write my journal on my Mac, the Things daily logbook helps remind me what I’ve done (because I can never remember!).

So when I referred yesterday on Blipfoto to getting done things on my ‘catch up’ list, I was thinking about all the items in Things which accumulated while Smithers was so poorly. The red circle showing the number outstanding had reached more than 30, and it was a huge pressure on me. 

Today, I am delighted to report, the number has reduced to three, and those three remaining ones will soon be completed as well. I can’t tell you what a good feeling it is. I really don’t like being behind with tasks, it wears me out just thinking about it. 

This morning I popped up to church and delivered the 80 Christmas cards that were required for the Vintage Tea guests and I grabbed my camera to take with me so that I could capture the beautiful blue sky that we were blessed with today. On my return I ticked off "Deliver Vintage Tea Christmas cards" on Things with a big smile on my face!

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