The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Jade Zither Sunday

Inside the curtains have not been raised
and the room is deep in shadow.
in my high chamber
I silently play my jade zither.

Li Ch'ing Chao.

Today I have been in bed, playing my jade zither, catching up with my life. Wrote a couple of blog posts about Father's day, as I recognised a need to say something beyond ranting impotently on Facebook. I spent the morning on social media. It's been raining all day.

Blog post 1

Blog post 2

Round teatime I realised I hadn't got a blip and hadn't been anywhere. Decided to choose a bedside book, and lo! I found one that matched the bedding. I love this elegant volume of poetry. I got it from Dennis the bookseller in the Shambles market, some years ago. There are 22 notebooks/books/pamphlets beside my bed, so it is in select company.

I also took the time to read about online courses in Life Writing. The University of Exeter does one, so if my plans to do an Open Uni course founder, I have a fallback position. I chatted to a writer after the show on Friday last week, and she assured me that there are many good courses online, not necessarily put out by well known or Fake Colleges.

I am also enjoying another Botswana book by Alexander McCall Smith, and coming to see the (at last) benefits of the kindle: it is the easiest thing to read in bed at night. Page turns can be done with the hand that is holding the 'device'. Some of the books that I borrow from the library, sight unseen, would kill me if they crashed down on my face if I nodded off while reading!

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