Everyday Life

By Julez

Tree-Time 2023 part 11

First thing this morning (Well, 9.30 AM) I had an appointment with a nurse at the GP surgery to discuss my HRT medication, which they are determined I should stop taking now I am in my sixties. I am reluctant as I know a couple of people who were on it and aged very rapidly, not just in appearance but also energy levels and the amount of aches and pains they had once they came off it. They will let me wean myself off, and are not asking me to stop it overnight, but apparently there are increasing health risks should I continue as I am... So old bid-dom here I very reluctantly come, I guess...

Whilst I was out I went into the Arboretum to get my November tree photo. It has only a very few leaves remaining on it now. 

Otherwise I have done all the basic housework today, sent some mail, written a list of who to send Christmas cards to and been to Morrisons for shopping.

A letter arrived from the solicitor's this afternoon about the Court of Protection thing. They want an incredible amount of very in-depth information and they may well deem me unsuitable. But as I am an only child, who else is there? 

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