I Witness

By KangaZu

Wild Wednesday ...

... Red Fox.

I was just settling on the couch with my first cuppa when Richard said ... "you're not going to want to see this."  Followed by ..." bring your camera."

So I quickly got up (upending Cheddar who had just settled on my lap!), grabbed my camera and went into the kitchen where R pointed out this beautiful red fox laying in our backyard.  And even though this was shot at 10K ISO in poor light I'm rather pleased with the pictures I took.  Perfect for Wild Wednesday I thought. 

I had my final PT session this afternoon so I baked some cookies this morning for the ladies at the office there as a way of saying thanks for making me feel human again.  I can actually go up the stairs, bend over to pick things up and get down on the floor to play with Kiera now ... all relatively pain free.  Of course, the PRP injection was extremely helpful, too.  

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