
By Incredibish

Midafternoon Moon...

So, the camper van battery failed to take a charge, and I fitted a new one today... The old one was guaranteed four years and failed six months out of warranty. This one is guaranteed five years. See what I did there? ;-) Receipt stored on the network server, which is probably way past any warranty period! Eep!

Anyway, along with fitting a new bathroom mirror lamp and a bracing (brr) walk up and over the village, that was my day. I glanced up and there was a lovely contrail bisecting the waxing Moon, but by the time I grabbed the long lens and opened the window all I got was the Moon. Still lovely, of course.

On this day, in 1983, a thirty-five year old Terry Pratchett (can he ever have been so young?) published The Colour of Magic, the first 'proper' iteration of Discworld. I don't generally of On this day stuff, but hey... GNU.

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