
By Incredibish

"Probably Quantum"

It's not exactly "twists" as called for in the Abstract Thursday challenge but I like it too much to set it aside. Here are the twists and turns that led to its development. ;-)

The lead member in our photography group shared some images from a Facebook group, which showed macro shots of webbed glue-gun strands misted with water. He suggested we might try this out at our next meeting and I so like to practice beforehand...

It was harder than expected. The strands of glue looped and broke and congealed into snotty lumps. The mister didn't, and so I used the spray I water my carnivorous plants with each morning (so yes, these are actual raindrops, taken from the rain butt!)

I have no extension tubes and so this was the best I could do with macro lens, flash heads and coloured gels. Finally, I've made use of the generally useless sunrays effect in Luminar to make it properly radioactive!

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