Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Autumn vineyard

I dashed off something quick this afternoon as I was not feeling very inspired. I chose to paint an autumn vineyard scene. The building is a ‘casot’ where tools are stored. I played some tennis in the morning as I had made the arrangement and did not want to cancel and disappoint my partner, but I was still not feeling great after a migraine and a bit of an upset stomach. It stemmed from having to sit in front of a computer screen and do four hours of interviews on Friday evening. Tonight there are two more meetings. The first is in the village and follows an invitation from the council opposition to allow people to air grievances. I shall represent the church and point out that we have very little support for the concerts we run or the bellringing activities which bring considerable revenue to the village in terms of hotel bookings and cafes and restaurant meals eaten. There is then another Zoom meeting to discuss the Friday interviews.

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