Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I enjoyed our camera club competition last night, the judge was very strict but at least he gave a worthwhile critique and explained his reasoning for giving the scores he did - I learnt a lot from his comments. I scored top marks for the image I have added as an extra. He said it liked the contrast of the calm water with reflections and the crashing waves.

This morning I had to be at the doctors by 9.15am for a blood test, just routine blood tests following my appointment with the GP a couple of weeks ago. I was in and out the surgery within minutes, it was very efficient. Then I had to take the car to the garage, so Tommy followed in his car so he could bring me back again, and we got into such awful traffic due to roadworks that the 20 minute journey took well over an hour. I think Surrey Council must have received a huge budget for road works as wherever you go at the moment there is a one way traffic system while they are digging up the roads, mainly for gas works I think. Poor Tommy got to gym an hour and a half later than he planned.

Today was sunny and bright all day, but cold. It is getting even colder as the week goes on with sleet expected here, and snow up north. I wandered around the garden and liked these droplets on this plant, I think it is from melted overnight frost. 

I spent the afternoon choosing images to put into a folder as options for upcoming competitions and for the SPA exhibition, it takes so much time. 

Xena had another wash with the antibacterial shampoo, but the bumps keep coming and then scabbing over and going - I think the vet will want to do a biopsy as nothings seems to be helping the bumps and he needs to find out what is causing it.

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