
By hpx

It's a wet and miserable job...

...but someone's got to do it.

Why does everyone head to the supermarket at lunch time on a Saturday? More to the point, why did I?

In my case I didn't make it in the door. It looked like hell so I made it my blip stop instead.

No Sunday paper for me tomorrow. Last weeks was full of woe, gloom, soul searching and long earnest articles. Apparently we were beaten in rugby by a team from the other side of the world.

There is another game tonight and if we don't win something bad will happen, (or should happen), a new set of obscure statistics will be created and as a nation we'll collectively beat our breasts in despair.

My eyes are glazing over already.


When asked to come round and watch "the big game live on tv" my response used to be, "I'd rather give myself bowel surgery with a stick behind the garage". Then I had bowel surgery (in a sterile hospital, not behind the garage) and that line kind of lost its appeal.

This rugby thing drags on until sometime around Christmas. I'll have to come up with a new line quickly.


Thanks for your comments on my recent blips outside Plume. I shall return to see if anyone actually shops there. Someone suggested they sell burkas. No. Plume is very expensive designer clothes shop.

Sorry I'm not commenting as much as I'd like to.

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