Freezing the Balls off a Brass Monkey

It's bloody freezing!........however I reckon that you lot..... that live across the pond would think I'm a big girls blouse .....shivering in my shoes and rugged up as If I lived in the North Pole and It is probably the same temp as a mild summers day in Europe.

I have decided to try and do a week of just posting pics taken with the Go Pro...I am so enjoying using it where near the quality of my lovely Sony Nex though.

Another trip to my favorite spot (at the moment) to look for more dolphins. Flynn was so excited to see them yesterday Jaiya bought him a little model of a dolphin...he calls it DODO and carries it around with him all the time now.

None to be seen was still lovely to be out and to watch the sky change color and I did get an awesome shot of a white bellied sea eagle.

We can only learn and advance with contradictions.
The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions.

~ Shams Tabrizi ( a friend of Rumi ...not the dog)


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